Birds of Malaysia


The Great Hornbill, from the tip of its beak to the tip of its tail it measures at 1.20 meters. Its call is a distinct and loud Gok! Gok! Gok! and sometimes followed with a Gawarrrr !! When this bird flies you hear a woosh! like sound with each wing beat it takes.

Oriental-pied Hornbill

This is the most common species of hornbill found in Langkawi . Small (between 60 to 70 cm), black and white feather with a large yellow-white casque. Plumage black except for a white patch under the eye, white lower belly, thighs, and undertail coverts, white tips to flight feathers and white outer tail feathers.
Iris-dark brown; naked skin around eye and gular skin-white bill and casque yellow-white with black spots on base of lower mandible and front of casque; feet-black.

Oriental-pied hornbill is monogamous and usually has only one young each time, but Irshad recorded a couple in langkawi that have 2 young. The young once out spends about 71/2 months with its parent before it joins the bachelor flocks.

Great Hornbill

Among all the birds, if I had to have a favorite then it must be the Hornbills. The Great Hornbill, from the tip of its beak to the tip of its tail it measures at 1.20 meters. Its call is a distinct and loud Gok! Gok! Gok! and sometimes followed with a Gawarrrr !! When this bird flies you hear a woosh! like sound with each wing beat it takes. It is most vulnerable to extinction as it requires great numbers to keep a viable breeding gene pool.